Dr. Stefanie Green

After obtaining her medical degree at McGill University in 1993, Dr. Stefanie Green completed a residency in Family Medicine and then fellowships in Palliative Care and Infant and Maternal Health. She enjoyed a full-spectrum family medicine practice in downtown Toronto until 2001 when she moved to the USA for 10 months for her husband’s work. Her young family returned to Canada, relocating to Victoria, BC, and she quickly re-focused her practice on maternity and newborn care.

Dr. Green founded the Quintessence Maternity Group in 2002, the region’s first “hard-call” maternity service allowing practitioners to provide continual care throughout a woman’s entire labour and birth experience. She founded Gentle Touch Circumcision in 2012 to provide elective infant male circumcision for families across Vancouver Island.

After more than 20 years in practice, and in conjunction with a change in federal law, Dr. Green began working in medical assistance in dying (MAiD) in June 2016. She is co-founder and President of the Canadian Association of MAiD Assessors and Providers (CAMAP), medical advisor to the BC Ministry of Health MAiD oversight committee, moderator of CAMAP’s national online community of practice, and has hosted 3 national conferences on the topic. Dr. Green enjoys speaking about MAiD to the public, to health care communities, and to a wide range of audiences locally, nationally, and internationally. She is clinical faculty at the University of British Columbia and the University of Victoria. This is Assisted Dying, a memoir of her first year providing assisted dying in Canada, is her first book.


Stefanie is what a doctor should be, compassionate, fierce and articulate.

David Seymour MP, New Zealand Parliament
A Fullfilling Career in All Stages of Life

Dr. Stefanie Green


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Medical Assistance in Dying

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